Love Perfected, Life Divine
Paperback, 250 pages
ISBN 978-1-56589-277-4
by Swami Kriyananda
audiobook narrated Asha
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Paperback available from Crystal Clarity
Inspired by Marie Corelli’s book, The Life Everlasting, Swami Kriyananda retells the dramatic story of a woman’s discovery of her twin soul—a discovery that propels her to undertake an arduous and perilous climb to the loftiest heights of spiritual awakening. Fueled by her love, the heroine must overcome harrowing challenges before she realizes the goal of her yearning in union with God. Love Perfected, Life Divine is a timeless tale that carries the reader to the heart of the inner quest.
From the introduction by Swami Kriyananda:
“The Life Everlasting is the only novel Paramhansa Yogananda ever finished reading. I can understand why he did so. It has a deep spiritual potential. I myself have enjoyed it, and have read it many times. I would not have undertaken this endeavor, however, if Yogananda himself had not also addressed the subject [of soul-mates] once, so obliquely as to cry for clarification. He said—and, to the best of my knowledge, once only—that everyone, before attaining oneness with God, must be united with his soul dual, even if that dual is living on another planet and the union can be achieved only in vision. . . .
The Life Everlasting . . . exerts an undeniable spell. . . . [It is] not afraid to express openly the author’s devotion to God without enclosing the reader in a narrow box of sectarianism. . .
I have rewritten [this] story because, with all its faults, I have always loved it. I have cleared out massive amounts of excessive verbiage; introduced a note of greater kindness; cut out many pages as unnecessary and, indeed, deleterious to the lofty mood of the book. I have rewritten the book also to make it correspond to my own beliefs. I think, as you read, you will understand my reasons for the countless changes I have made. And I conclude by saying I am happy with the results. I hope you, dear reader, will be happy also.”
What Others Are Saying
“I finished Love Perfected, Life Divine this morning. It is beautiful and so uplifting!”
—Dharmadas Schuppe, teacher
“Yesterday I read Swami Kriyananda’s new book. I started in the afternoon and simply couldn’t stop, so I went on reading until midnight! It’s one of the most amazing, transforming, and powerful books I’ve ever read. I feel like a different person.”
—Sahaja Mascia Ellero, teacher, translator
“This is an amazing book, infused with divine power.”
—Nandini Valeria Cerri, publicist
“Love Perfected, Life Divine is one of those rare novels that is both entertaining and profound. The story draws you in with an ever-increasing force, your heart captivated by the heroine’s quest to find eternal love in the midst of cynicism and materialism. The ever-deeper truths revealed in these pages seem at first mildly exotic, then familiar, and finally as if springing from your own higher self. This is a profoundly uplifting book.”
—Jyotish Novak, author of How to Meditate
“To me, though it may sound blasphemous, this book is even more important than the Ramayana. It is no less than a scripture; even its physical presence emanates light.”
—Kaveeta Kaul, film director
“I really love this book. It’s quite a page-turner! The characters and story offer such insight and interest. Swami Kriyananda’s writing is exquisite—a treasure chest of amazing wisdom, and so eloquently phrased. Before this I could never read Corelli’s whole book; it was too flowery for me. You’ve pruned and enhanced it and made it thoroughly fascinating!”
—Padma McGilloway, international publishing marketer
“I salute this book as a scripture, highly suitable for the modern age. Love Perfected, Life Divine is a gentle testimony to the greatest reality: Love, so universally misunderstood. Everyone wants to be loved, but how few people realize that they themselves, in their true Self, are LOVE! This work will enlighten many. I know of no other book that conveys such deep insights on how to live life in the highest way.”
—Hansa Malik, guide to joyful living
“This rewrite of Marie Corelli’s work is a hundredfold improvement. Swami Kriyananda has turned the story into a page-turner.”
—Hriman McGilloway, teacher
“A thrilling and beautiful tale, filled with quenchless yearning and undaunted determination to achieve final fulfillment. I enjoyed every page.”
—Devi Novak, author of Faith is My Armor
“Why would God plant within us such a deep longing to be loved, not only impersonally by Him, but also personally by a single other, if He did not also intend to fulfill that desire? In this romantic novel, one of the great spiritual teachers of our time answers that question. This is the story of one soul's search for her eternal mate: God. And also the story of two divinely destined lovers—twin souls—who meet, separate, meet and separate again, in countless tumultuous, dramatic lifetimes. Never until now has the question of soul-mates been raised and answered with such a perfect blend of poetry, romance, and wisdom.”
—East West Bookshop review